A conversation I had this evening got me thinking about my numerous "celebrity crushes" on the veritably elderly. These are five older men I adore, admire, and aspire to emulate.

Lawrence Ferlinghetti (92) - As my favourite favourite favourite poet, and one of the fathers of the Beat Generation, there are few men I admire more than Mr. Ferlinghetti. His bookstore (City Lights) was, and is, an arts mecca in the Bay area. He was arrested for publishing Allen Ginsberg's Howl. He is a left-wing activist. And, as mentioned, he writes some damn fine poetry.
Maurice Sendak (83) - While I've always loved Maurice's work, it was only recently (after watching a documentary by Spike Jonze) that I found myself obsessed with the man behind the picture books. What's not to love about this crotchety old Brooklynite? He is a true artist with a deep, obvious compulsion to create. Inspiring in the most intriguing way.

George Whitman (98) - Of all the names here, this might be the least well known. Whitman founded Shakespeare & Co. Bookstore (technically Shakespeare & Co. 2.0, Sylvia Beach ran the first one in the 20's, but that's a different story), which has served as a meeting place and living space for writers abroad in Paris since 1951. I highly recommend this documentary and this book to anyone wanting to learn more about George, his store and his literary legacy. Wow, a man who owns a bookstore. Do I detect a pattern here...?
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